Fall 2025 Move-In Information
Fall Move-in Dates
- New Students: Saturday, August 16, 2025, 8:00am – 10:30 am
- Returning Students: Residence Halls open Saturday, August 23, 2025
- Early Arrivals: Returning students arriving before August 23, 2025 should review Early Arrival Application process and policies.
New Student Move-in Information
Before you arrive
Mailroom Information
- Shipping Address:
- (Student name)
- 150 E. 8th Street, Claremont CA 91711
- Items can be shipped to the Mailroom for scheduled arrival starting Monday, August 5th
- Residence halls are not accessible before approved move-in.
Amazon Lockers
- Finn - closest to first-year/transfer residence halls -
- 260 E Bonita Ave, at Pomona College, Claremont, CA, 91711.
- Directions: You will find the locker at Pomona College near the Frank Dining Hall entrance, outside under the arches.
- Frary - 347 E 6th St, at Pomona College, Claremont, CA, 91711
- Directions: This Locker is available only to students of Pomona College. You will find the Locker near the entrance of Frary Dining Hall.
- Suggested Packing List (and what not to bring).
Getting to Campus
- All students who are in family or rental cars will arrive at Columbia Ave, off First Street (westbound). We recommend you drive south on Mills Ave., turn right on First Street and then right on Columbia. (There willl be signs and staff.) No cars will be allowed to turn left onto Columbia from First Street.
- Rideshare information
- Please arrive in the lot adjacent to Big Bridges Auditorium (450 N. College Way, Claremont, CA 91711). Then walk to the South Campus Parking Garage (you may leave your items at teh Family Orientation registration tent in front of Sumner Hall.)
Check-in and Unloading
- Student Check-in Station - Columbia in front of South Parking Garage
- Families will be given a color-coded check-in card to place on their windshield
- Please bring a form of ID with you.
- Students must be in the vehicle to check-in
- Check-in will begin at 8:00am
- Students who have not completed their online education modules or submitted their full medical records will park in the South Campus Garage until the requirements are fulfilled. (Student Health Services will be open from 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. for vaccinations.)
- Students will check-in alphabetically by last name:
- A-C, 8:00 a.m.
- D-J, 8:30 a.m.
- K-M, 9:00 a.m.
- N-S, 9:30 a.m.
- T-Z, 10:00 a.m.
- Winter and Spring athletes with last names starting T-Z may move in between 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. in order to attend the athlete-family welcome at Pitzer College at 10:30 a.m.
- Families will be given a color-coded check-in card to place on their windshield
- Unloading Zones
- Students and families park their vehicles in one of four unloading zones. Loading zones will be assigned according to building and room assignments. Directions will be provided at check-in.
- Student leaders will assist in unloading the vehicle's contents.
- Please label ALL luggage/boxes with student name, building and room number.
- One driver must stay with the vehicle while it is unloaded. As soon as the car is unloaded the driver may park the car at the Metrolink lot (map) or the TCCS lot (map). All other family members may go to the student's room or family orientation registration.
- Family Registration
- All families must register at the Family Orientation tent in front of Sumner Hall. You will not be able to join your student for lunch in Frank Dining Hall without your ticket(s) which are in your registration packet.
Getting Settled and Orientation Activities
- Family Lunch & Orientation Schedule.
- New Student ReCoop Sale
- Learn more about ReCoop here.
- Date and Time: Saturday, August 17, 2024 9:00am-12:00pm
- Location: Parking Lot between Rogers Tennis Courts and Kenyon House, Get Directions Here.
- New Student Mailroom Pick-up
- Location: The MailRoom has moved to Pendleton. Get Directions here.
- Hours
- Friday, August 16, 8:00am – 7:00pm *note, early pick-up only, items will not be able to be brought to residential rooms before check-in.
- Saturday, August 17, 7:00am – 1:00pm
- Students must have an ID Card to pick up packages.
- Coop Store
- Open from 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Smith Campus Center
- New families can enjoy a 20% discount off all logo items (August 15-19)
- Cafe 47 (Pomona-run coffee beverages featuring Peet's Coffee)
- Open from 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Smith Campus Center
New Student Early Arrivals (International and Athletes)
Fall Athletes and International Students
If you are scheduled to move-in prior to August 19 because you are participating in a fall sport or international orientation:
- You will be emailed to complete an Early Arrival form on your Residence account.
- Once approved, you will receive specific check-in instructions via you Pomona Email.
- Athletes - Please check-in at Housing and Residence Life in the Smith Campus Center. You will be able to pick up your room key and Pomona ID. (Please bring a form of ID with you to the check-in table. Only students can pick up their keys and ID.) Move-in begins at 9:00 a.m. on your designated move-in date. (Please note the time change.) Athletes must pick up keys by 3:00 p.m. PDT. International students must pick up keys by 4:00 p.m. PDT. Keys will be moved to Campus Safety afterwards.
- International students - Please check-in at Oldenborg Hall. If you are arriving via ride share you can be dropped off at Bridges Auditorium (450 N. College Way, Claremont, CA 91711). Keys will be picked up on August 16 at Oldenborg Hall (350 N. College Way, Claremont, CA 91711). If you have questions, please email Kathy.Quispe@lakanavoyage.com.
- Parking is available on College Ave. or in these Pomona College parking lots: Alexander Hall (550 N. College Ave.) and the Cowart Parking Structure (156 E. Seventh Street).
- Here is an online campus map to help you navigate before your arrival on campus.
- If you shipped items ahead of move-in:
- All items can be picked up by students at the Pomona College Mailroom (150 E. 8th Street, Claremont CA 91711)
- Please have your Pomona ID ready in order to pick up your items.
Returning Student Move-in Information
Check-in Directions
- Check-in Station: – Housing and Residence Life, Smith Campus Center 132
- Check-in Hours: - Saturday, August 24 and Sunday, 25 - 9:00am – 7:00pm
- After Hours Arrival instructions:
- Students arriving on campus after 7pm can utilize on-duty RAs and/or Campus Safety (24 hours) at 909-607-2000 to allow initial access into their room. Students will then formally check-in and receive their room key the next morning from the Housing and Residence Life check-in station at Smith Campus Center.
- RA On-Duty Hours
- Saturday, August 24: 7:00pm - 2:00am
- Sunday, August 25: 7:00pm - 12:00am Midnight
- Please note, students are highly recommended to arrive during check-in hours as there may be a delay in access response times due to demand.
Returning Student Mailroom Information
- Location: The Mailroom is in Pendleton. Get Directions here.
- Hours: Saturday and Sunday of Returning Student Move-in 12:00pm noon – 4:00pm
- Students must have their Student ID Card to pick up packages.
Returning Student Re-coop Sale Information
- Date and Time: Sunday of Returning Student Move-in 9:00am – 12:00pm noon
- Location: Parking Lot between Gibson Hall and Kenyon House, Get Directions Here.
- Get more information regarding Re-coop
Storage Unit Registration and Locations
All storage units must be registered (registration, dates, and delivery directions at this Storage Unit Registration Form).
Approved Sites
North – North Amherst Parking spots
South – Kenyon House
Do not have pods delivered to any other locations.
Approved Dates
Earliest Arrival – Friday before approved move-in.
Last Departure – All units must be removed by Tuesday after returning student opening.
Please do not keep your storage container on campus more than 4 days.