Linda Wight Mazur '81

Assistant Vice President, Pomona Plan
  • Expertise


    Linda Mazur ’81 directs the Pomona Plan, the life-income and legacy program of Pomona College.  She helps people receive secure retirement income in ways that are donor-centered and tax-advantaged.  Linda and her pomona plan colleagues work closely with alumni, parents, and friends of the College to find customized solutions to their particular tax and financial needs and interests.  Well-known for the high payout rates and tax advantages of its charitable gift annuities, the Pomona Plan also offers and administers charitable remainder trusts.  Linda can help facilitate the funding of life-income gifts with cash, stocks and bonds, real estate, and other complex assets.  With a background as an estate planning attorney, Linda can also assist in the planning of legacy gifts to Pomona College.

    Research Interests

    • Charitable estate planning and life-income philanthropy, including gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, flip trusts, charitable lead trusts, retained life estates, and bequests
    • Tax issues pertaining to charitable estate planning and life-income philanthropy

    Areas of Expertise


    • Charitable Giving
    • Planned Giving
    • Deferred Giving
    • Charitable Gift Annuities
    • Life-Income
    • Charitable Remainder Trusts
    • Endowment Trusts
    • Retained Life Estates
    • Charitable Bequests
    • Wills and Trusts
    • Estate Planning
  • Education


    Juris Doctor
    UCLA Law School

    Bachelor of Arts
    Pomona College

  • Awards & Honors

    Awards & Honors

    Beverly Hills Bar Association, President 1998-99

    Board of Governors' Award for distinguished and exemplary service to the organization, 2001

    California Legislature Assembly Resolution Members Resolution No. 2444 (Honorable Sheila James Kuehl, 41st Assembly District) for service as BHBA President, 1999

    BHBA Probate, Trust, and Estate Planning Section Award in appreciation for leadership as Chair of the Section, 1995

    BHBA Distinguished Service Award for outstanding leadership as Chairperson of the Resolution's Committee 1990-91, 1991

    Valley Community Clinic, Board Chair 2004-2006

    Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition (Howard L. Berman, Member of Congress), 2006

    County of Los Angeles Commendation (Zev Yarolsavsky, Supervisor, Third District), 2006

    City of Los Angeles Certificate of Appreciation (Wendy Greuel, Councilwoman 2nd District), 2006