Prof. Nikki Moore sits atop an Independence Dike in the White Mountains during a summer trip to the Sierra Nevada.

A crowd of people gather in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, during peak season. Assistant Professor of Anthropology Omer Shah is writing a book on the holy city of Islam.

Schools in rural Pakistan are the focus of research by Pomona Professor Tahir Andrabi (second from right) and others.

NSF Grant Will Help Unpack Mysteries of Oceanic “Deserts”

Computer Science Professor Eleanor Birrell Receives NSF Grant to Study Privacy Regulations
Grants from external sponsors are a significant source of research funding for Pomona College faculty and students. Faculty members bring several million dollars to campus each year by winning competitive awards for sponsored research and research training activities. These awards are from federal programs, other public agencies, and private philanthropic foundations. Sponsored research awards support student research assistants during the summer and academic year; faculty summer activities; laboratory and field equipment and supplies; research subject payments and other research expenses and supplies, including publication costs; travel to carry out fieldwork, attend research conferences, and disseminate results; and supplementary campus infrastructure necessary to support external awards.
The Office of the Dean of the College, the Finance Office, departmental coordinators, and other administrative staff work with faculty members to obtain and manage grants for research activities on and off campus, often in collaboration with researchers at other colleges and universities as close-by as Claremont, as antipodal as Pakistan. The director of sponsored research, in collaboration with the grants accountant, specifically oversees public-sector funding for faculty research, including government grants from federal, state, local, and international sponsor agencies.
This web portal provides access to grant-specific and other news about the broad scope of research activities among Pomona students and faculty, key identifying information about the institution, how to engage with the sponsored research office, grants policies and management, and other research-related information.
To learn more about private-sector funding for faculty research, please visit the Office of Foundation Relations and Strategic Initiatives. For information about internal funding programs for faculty research, please visit Internal Funding for Research & Pedagogy.
For information about the Pomona College Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) and other internal support for student research, please visit Student Research Opportunities, also respective departmental web pages on research. To learn about external funding for student research, please visit Fellowships at Pomona College.